Brocade - by the Inch

Brocade - by the Inch
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polyester knit 1 mil PUL, 58/60" wide

Order as much or as little as you need: sold by the yard, by the inch or by the cut

If ordering in "inches" you will receive a piece of fabric that is the length of the numer of inches that you ordered by the width of the fabric. Diapers: To determine how many inches you need measure the length and width of your diaper pattern. For example - if your pattern is for a small it is probably around 16" wide and long. The PUL prints are between 42 - 60" wide so a 16" cut of 44" wide fabric will give you at least 2.75 diapers (44"/16"). Add a few more inches & you can stagger the diapers, as in the picture below, which will use the fabric even more efficiently. With my pattern I can get 4 smalls from 20" of a 44" wide fabric.

1/8 yd = 5" 2/3 yd = 24"
1/4 yd = 9" 3/4 yd = 27"
1/3 yd = 12" 1 yd = 36"
1/2 yd = 18" 2 yd = 72"


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