LOOP fabric -white -by the inch

LOOP fabric -white -by the inch
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Our price: $0.50
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Loop fabric 54" wide by the number of inches ordered.  Bright white in color. 

Tired of stiff touch tape? Then LOOP FABRIC is just what you need. It is more like fabric than the stiff, plasticy feeling of regular sew-on loop. It is 54" wide so a little goes a long way.

Increase the size range of your baby's diapers just by having a larger panel of LOOP FABRIC on the front instead of a thin strip of touchtape. It is easy to cut and sew. You can cut tabs from it and so much more! 



Bright white

Tired of stiff touch tape? Then LOOP FABRIC is just what you need. It is more like fabric than the stiff, plasticy feeling of regular sew-on loop. It is 54" wide so a little goes a long way.

Increase the size range of your baby's diapers just by having a larger panel of LOOP FABRIC on the front instead of a thin strip of touchtape. It is easy to cut and sew. You can cut tabs from it and so much more! 




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1" FOE Mocha
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